This week, an email from Twitter congratulated me on my four year twitter anniversary of BirdProjectSoap. A nice reminder that four years ago this idea of Bird shaped soaps to help raise funding for BP cleanup started pecking around in my head! I was in New York at the time & drove down to some dear friends' wedding in Virginia. During the seven hour drive, the idea took better shape & sealed the deal for me wanting to pursue it. Many of my closest friends were also at the wedding so we talked about it some between celebrating & I got some great feedback and a lot of excitement for the idea. I knew that I wanted the name to share the initials 'BP' so BirdProject became the name that night. I got the goosebumps as I bought the domain name & setup the twitter account that same night, the first step in making the idea real.

On my drive back to New York after the wedding, I decided that I should go to New Orleans to find some answers. To make I long story short, I'm so glad that I did! It's funny and amazing how one decision can change your life so much. So, in celebration & in thanks of the 4 year anniversary of the conception of BirdProject we are happy to offer free shipping on orders over $20 until July 31 - use code fouryears! at checkout! Thank you so much for your support, I'm so grateful and excited that the Birds continue to spread their wings! Fast forward to the present, last night was the grand opening party of West Elm in New Orleans & I'm thrilled that BirdProject and our Dreams Matter notebooks are part of their West Elm Local Makers & Designers selection! The party was packed & I'm honored to be in such amazing company, check out the full list here. PS - more here on our beginnings on the BirdProject blog, all about the process of our startup!

* Photo reposted from Juley of