$78,127 donated to date!
Goods that Matter creates everyday design goods, with extraordinary impact. Every Matter product is handmade in the U.S., of eco-friendly materials, & gives back to social and environmental causes.
10% of all proceeds flow to causes that impact the health, happiness, and sustainability of our communities both locally and for our neighbors around the world.
We are proud to be a woman-owned business, the first Benefit Corporation in the state of Louisiana, and to have donated $78,127 to date to our partner causes! Goods that Matter works to make the world a better place by creating products and collaborations that matter. More on our impact here.
New Goods

delightful scents
Non-toxic Candles
Pick by the cause or the scent? Browse our selection of scents, sizes, & donation partners
What can we make for you?
Did you know we make custom products? Yep! Candles, notebooks, cards, & so much more
Custom projects
Transparent Offsets
Coastal Climate Credits
In partnership with Common Ground Relief, offset your carbon usage
Check our blog

Join our collective shop, rent a work space, or host a workshop!
Join our shop collective, host a workshop, or rent studio/office/storage/healing arts space at Kind Hearted Goods. A great location in the beautiful Church Hill neighborhood in Richmond, VA.

A Hurricane in the Mountains, My Helene Experience & Moving Forward
This June we opened our second store location in Asheville, NC - something that I've been saving for & working towards for several years. My goal was to have a...

Voting Information
Quick Voting Information - early voting dates, check your registration, get a ride to the polls...

Visit our Shop in the LGD
New Orleans, LA
Mon, Wed-Sat 11-6
Sun 11-5
Recently viewed products
See what's poppin
Eff This Shit Candle
Gives to Women's Health Rights
Fuck this Shit Candle - Gives to Women's Reproductive Rights, Bergamot Jasmine Rose Scent
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