Voting Information

Quick Voting Information - early voting dates, check your registration, get a ride to the polls...

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Our New Orleans Favorites: Shops, Eats, Music, Services, & more (+Pet Friendly & Female-Owned)

Check our list of New Orleans favorites for the best spots in New Orleans in my humble opinion <3 These are our favorite N.O. small businesses & unique spots including many...

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How to easily clean & remove wax from jar to re-use jars/containers after used

Ever been frustrated by cleaning out wax from a glass jar, metal tin, or ceramic container once your candle has burned to the bottom? Here's how to easily clean out...

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Recycling + Re-Use New Orleans Guide

I know that it can be frustrating to be an environmentalist and committed to recycling in Louisiana - use this guide for recycling + re-use in New Orleans. I collect recycling info...

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Fuck This Shit - Women's Reproductive Health Care Resources now that SCOTUS has overturned Roe vs Wade (Sob/Rage/Disbelief))

Friday was a real kick in the uterus. SCOTUS rolled us back 50+ years & told us that we (women) aren't worthy of making our own healthcare decisions. Living in...

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Shop Our City

Shop small y'all! We're proud to be part of a group of small, women-owned businesses that started the Lower Magazine coalition and the Shop our City Initiative.  We reached out...

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How I Built This Fellowship + Summit

October 16 was the first How I Built This Summit and I am thrilled to have attended as a HIBT Fellow! HIBT is my FAVORITE podcast, when I saw that...

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Repost: Interview on DNO 'Tippy Tippens and All Things Good'

Did you catch our interview on DNO? Reposting it here: Tippy Tippens and All Things Good An interview with the founder of Goods That Matter.  09.25.2018 PHOTO: MICHAEL TUCKER   Where...

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